i was told this weekend that i need to start one of these so people can keep up with my training and what works/ doesn't and so people can get in touch with me, such as clients and other triathletes. so i did. Maybe i'll keep up with my workouts too this way. either way here i go. What better timing too, the tuesday before my third ironman. i can cover my prep for the race, travel to it, and write my post race report which kristen's dad had been recommending ever since the first one. slowly i'm catching on that people may be interested in what i do and why in the world i do it. Anyway today i'm forming my packing list and putting together the pile of supplies necessary to complete this endeavour as best i can. since completing two irons and 2 halfs now i should be a pro at packing but i still struggle to remember everything and have to resort to lists, which i hate. it will get done however and tomorrow will begin the 15 hour trek to lousiville kentucky, completed in two days with a pit stop to pick up michael, the only person as crazy as i am to do multiples of these races. let the games begin!