Saturday, December 19, 2009

Back in the game

so i got tired of being sick and feeling sick and decided to go run last night. Ran two miles and i knew that i needed to take it easy so i made myself stay at a 9 minute pace and finished at 17:52. it was rather cold but it felt nice to run. after that got to indulge in some exceptional paleo pot roast. that was awesome, i'll post the recipe soon so everyone can enjoy it. today i don't feel too crappy so i'm going to try to ride later this afternoon.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Learned Helplessness

So after spending my third weekend in a row sick i'm beginning to lose hope of even training for my next race. no matter what i do i can't stay healthy.i eat well, sleep as much as i can, and train conservatively. i was sick over thanksgiving so i rested and ate well and after my first workout back i started getting sick again so i rested. i ended up coming down with something very similar to the flu just without the fever for 4 days so i rested after that until i felt better. i did one workout last week on thursday. by friday evening my throat was sore again and i became congested. this weekend no workouts again because i have been sick since friday. i still feel like trash today but better than yesterday. if you are counting thats almost 3 weeks of sickness and 2 workouts total in 3 weeks. i can't firgure it out. i sleep every hour that i'm not working, eat as healthy as i can, and don't push my body at all. i was healthier when i slept 4 hours a night, ate crap all the time and worked out 20 hours a week. needless to say i'm falling into a helpless state with no light at the end of the tunnel. we'll see how i feel tomorrow, let me take a guess...bad

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


haven't posted in while, been sick most days out of the last 2 weeks and been busy playing catch up outside of the sickness that keeps bugging me.
ran today- 2 miles. ironman training was supposed to begin on dec 1 but as i said, i was sick. so already behind, no biggie though, i can catch up.
run felt good, knees flared up as usual but thats becasue i have taken some time off, they'll be fine. ride tomorrow depending on weather and schedule.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

filthy fifty

because yesterday went so well i decided to do another crossfit workout today. why not do another doozy, filthy fifity. 10 exercises, 50 reps of each, as fast as you can. sounds great, feels not so great by exercise number 7 and feels terrible by the end.

50 reps of
box jumps
jumping pull ups
kb swings
walking lunges
back extensions
wall ball
double unders

notice all the leg movements. my legs shook or should i say spasmd for the entire workout, it was great fun. i feel i could have gone faster but i felt like puking the whole time, even after box jumps, so i finished well. my goal was 22 minutes and i missed by a few but was well under 30 minutes which was my last resort time.