Friday, March 26, 2010

the return

ok i'm back. i needed to take a few weeks off. i was having horrible time management habits so i needed to get everything else in place so i could start "blogging" again. a few updates for you:

1- i am 3 months and 1 day away from the biggest race of my life, ironman couer d'alene. I have lofty goals for this race( 11 hours or less) and have locked in my nutrition to aid my training... see below.

2- i have upgraded my nutrition with a challenge between me and charlie to see who can eat the best paleo until the race. i think i am winning since he is drinking coffee still but he says he is almost off of it. i say...weak. nutrition is very hard. on my own i can do it. but as soon as i start doing good i think man i've been doing great i can slack, no, bad idea so this will help us both lock it in for our upcoming competitions. i am allowing myself 1 cheat meal a week,see below

3- i am giving up my ice cream hold-out. i have made it 3 weeks but in order to have a perfect paleo diet during the rest of the week i have to tell myself i get ice cream once a week. you want to know my kryptonite? ice cream, big time. my wife knows that i want nothing more at the end of EVERYDAY than a half gallon of ice cream. i don't know why but i love it. so i will again give myself this one luxury, but once it becomes more than once a week i will abstain again. let the battle between brain and taste buds begin. i know, ice cream wow, but its true, it can collapse this beast in a heartbeat. there my secret is out. this will be my cheat meal- ice cream,just that.

4- i'm going to again start posting my workouts, i've caught up with my journal of everything so it will once again be on here for all to see my good workouts and more often my failures. even though it sucks i can't be afraid to fail, i have before, see here, so another time won't kill me. i am also going to start including a little more commentary on them beginning tomorrow so they are half interesting.

alright so check back often to see what it is i put myself thorough on a daily basis. some workouts from this week are posted below.

1 comment:

  1. So does this mean I get a cheat meal every week too? OR....I can resist and that is how I will gain my ground!
