Monday, January 18, 2010

the stars are not aligned

today has started off horribly for me. to begin my watch broke over the weekend, this should have been an omen. when i don't have alarms set like  normal then my mind stresses about it all night. so this morning i woke up at 2 am and started getting ready for work until kristen realized it and told me that it was 2 and to go back to bed. once i woke up normally i was running late because the watch i was wearing had a time that was not synced with the house time and was behind. so i showered, shaved and went to eat breakfast. cooked up onions in the pan and started putting eggs in. the 3rd egg was a blood egg. fantastic, blood eggs are literally eggs with bloody yolks instead of yellow yolks. so eggs were ruined, no time to make more, off to work without breakfast. get to work, damnit! yesterday i took apart some of my engine to do maint. on my car. so i took kristen's car to work this morning. guess where the key to my work is, on my keys, not kristen's. got to work, no key to the building. awesome. had to make everyone workout outside. not only that but i had to formulate a workout while they were warming up becasue the workout planned was not possible without weights. so not only did i wake up a million times last night, but i didnt eat breakfast this morning, didn't have my keys, looked like an idiot, and stood outside for 2 hours in 45 degree temps with a jacket that was made for about 65 degrees not 45. today is going swimmingly. vent over


  1. wow, that is pretty bad. sorry about your day, Im sure it'll get better!!!!

  2. lol...that sucks...but that workout sucked for me too. Thanks
