Monday, December 6, 2010

New Hope

start physical therapy for my shoulder tomorrow. its only been 3 months since i injured it... i'm hoping that i'll finally get some answers for my shoulder and in a few weeks be able to do push-ups, pull-ups and overhead presses. i can't wait.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


after 5 weeks of having a messed up shoulder, i decided i would take this whole week off from workouts and just rest and recover. i was also pretty burned out from doing mainsite for 2 months straight and the last competition wasted me. I'll get back to it monday, my plan is to focus heavily on strength for the next  2 months. i probably won't compete again until sectionals so i can focus entirely on that event instead of trying to get ready for each competition that comes along. The are mentally and physically draining and lead to poor training cycles. i'm setting my goals on one event and will attack that as best i can.

Also this weekend's nutrition workshop was awesome, i learned way more than i thought i would and am working on ways to implement it with our program and help people really see the most benefit from a nutrtion/high intesity program. more to come on that

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Learning, Growing

i have a pretty exciting weekend ahead of me starting tomorrow. i'll be heading to dallas to do many crossfit related activities. Tomorrow i'll be meeting with Spencer of crossfit dallas central to talk crossfit things, both business and workout related and then i'll be working out at his box in the afternoon to try out a different atmosphere. i've never worked out in a class at another box so i'm excited to see how they do things compared to how i run classes at CSCF. After that i'll make a stop at whole foods to outfit myself for the weekend because i'm on a weird diet and i need the good stuff.

Saturday and sunday i'll be attending a nutrition workshop by Whole9 about their program whole30 and other nutrition topics. i'm excited to see what they can offer and how i can implement it into my gym. I've been following their whole30 program now for two weeks along with marcos and so far i like what it doing for me. i still crave some foods just becasue i know how good they taste, but i will be able to work them back in after the initial 30 days and i'm psyched about that.

Should be a very productive weekend so i'm ready to get started. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Get it wrong when you're getting it right.

"Good Judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. "

I have found in my last few years of coaching, competing and learning that more often than not i'm getting it wrong when i think i'm really getting it right. I believe everyone feels this way, so at what point are we just content with what we are doing? I think its up to the point when improvement stalls out. In coaching i know i'll be teaching exercises a certain way and then i'll notice improvements are slowing or not happening at all. so i'll go back, do some research and learn that i'm getting it wrong! maybe i'm teaching it the wrong way or cuing incorrectly but it seems like i'm not using the most efficient method. Another example, nutrition. Eat good food and you're good right? no... eat fresh fruits and veggies, meat and fats and you're good right? no... eat only meat, veggies and fats, little fruit..ok got it. this too will change.

You're only getting it wrong when you seek knowledge to improve. if we were comstantly getting it right we'd be stagnate. We wouldn't improve and we'd never get better. yeah being told you are wrong sucks, may even set you back a few emotional clicks but it gets better and makes what you are doing better. i'm ok with being wrong because i'll learn how to get it right and improve upon that. Don't get too tied up with something you are doing wrong, focus on what you are doing right and improve upon your weaknesses. i try to take this approach everyday and i've improved faster than ever before. i'm learning and growing and its great. Today i'm right, tomorrow i'll be wrong, and life goes on, i just have to adapt.

"Unless you test yourself, you stagnate. Unless you try to go way beyond what you've been able to do before, you won't develop and grow. When you go for it 100%, when you don't have the fear of "what if I fail," that's when you learn, that's when you're really living" - mark allen

Thursday, July 29, 2010

IMCDA Race Report

here is the report from my most recent race. please click on the images to enlarge since they are so small. it is written very free flow so i paid no attention to grammar. enjoy! 

Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2010

When I got to Idaho I was stunned by how pretty it all was. Every inch of the northwest is awesome. I also began to notice the elevation, and its frequent changes. It is very hilly, or should I say mini-mountainous. We stayed in a house in the center of Coeur d’Alene about 6 blocks from the race site. The neighborhood was small, quiet and friendly. The race site was within walking distance if you were ready for a hike but it took 20- 30 minutes to walk there. Our first visit revealed a blue lake nestled in the valley of a ring of pine covered hills. The lake was a dark crystal blue and very clear and it had a rough rock beach that we would start and finish on during the swim. The water was in great condition to swim in, much better than Louisville from 2009. The water is snow melt from the mountains so that was a clear indicator to us it would be cold. I didn’t know though just how cold it was. The water temp climbed from low 50’s in the weeks before the race to around 59 the day we got there. Ground zero for race day was roughly 50 meters from the lake in a large grass park. There was a road leading out of it to the bike course and transition centered around this road. The expo was also set up here and we picked up our packets Friday to prepare for the race. Prerace meeting was held Friday night lakeside.

Saturday morning we completed a practice swim to get used to the conditions. It was very rough water, very windy, and terribly cold. Outside temp was about 60, water was at 61 and felt like to ocean it was so rough. We managed a few minutes of swimming and decided to call it a day. We were required to check in our gear bags for transition and bikes for the race Saturday afternoon so we went back to the house to get everything together. When we went back to race site Saturday afternoon we got to see the layout of the flow for Sunday. The swim to bike bags were between transition and the lake, and bike to run was between transition and the bike racks.

My bike was racked on the second to last rack as you exited transition so I would have a longer jog than most, but I also didn’t have to run with my bike for as long so it was a good position to be in. Once checked in we left the venue to prepare for the journey on Sunday morning. I finished out my last Paleo meal Saturday night while preparing for the race. I had been eating paleolithically since December and I could tell I was leaner and fitter for this race than I had been in years past and I do think it helped me, both in training and on race day. 

Race morning
Race morning I woke up at 4. I ate a staple breakfast of 3 eggs, a banana, and water. I needed the protein and fat from the eggs, the sugar from the banana, and water to rehydrate from sleep. The meal also needed to be low in fiber so I didn’t have anything sitting in my stomach soaking up water during the race. I ate 2-3 hours before the start and took 2 apple sauce cups with me to eat 1 hour before the race. When we got to race site we got marked, dropped off special needs bags for the bike and run, did a last check on our bikes and found a pavilion to sit in while we waited for our start.

Swim- 2.4 miles
Mass Start
The swim was rough but it was also one of my best swims for a few reasons. Water was 61 degrees race morning, air temp around 55, calm winds, sunny skies. This swim would be a wetsuit swim for sure and I had my new full suit to try out. The swim started on a beach with very unfriendly rocks. I remember my feet hurt just standing on the “sand” while we waited during the last 10 minutes before the start gun. I had a bottle of water, 3 endurolytes and a gel 5 minutes before the race start to compensate for the requirements my body needed during the swim. I’ve had trouble in the past with dehydration during the swim, so I knew this time how to fix that. This race was a different swim start from any that I’ve done so far. It was a beach start. That means 2800 competitors lined up in a rectangle 30 yards wide by 15-20 deep.I was on the second row of people next to Michael, ankle deep in water. There was also no countdown this year. I don’t know if we didn’t hear it or what but I remember hearing “ ok 2 minutes to race time” over the speakers then less than 2 minutes later, bang, the gun went off and people started running in the water. The start was absolute chaos. It was a pure brawl. I remember running into the water right next to Michael until it was up to our hips then diving forward. We started the swim slower than usual. Most of the time it’s an all out sprint for 400m until you realize what you are doing and back off. My experience has finally taught me something, aka don’t sprint right off the gun. Before I knew what was happening we were getting mauled. I was getting pushed under water, I got kicked in the face and my goggles filled with water. People hitting, pushing, pulling on feet, it was the craziest swim I’ve ever been a part of. It also took a good 5-6 hundred meters to fan out enough to take a breath without someone beating on me. Michael and I stayed together, eye to eye for the entire swim. The swim course was a 2 loop down and back. Swim out 900m with buoys on your left, turn left, swim ~100m, turn left, keep buoys on left and swim back to the beach, get out, run 20 meters(which hurt like hell on my feet), dive back in and do it again. The course was nice because they set buoys at every 100m. It was great for pacing and served as a distraction having those buoys there. I simply counted each one I passed, focused on swimming to the next one and broke the swim into 100m sprints instead of a 2.4 mile hurdle. I did have a few issues during the swim, which is expected in a hour long event. For one the water was rough. There were times I would breathe and put my face back in the swim again but I would have no water underneath me. The waves would literally throw you into the air like when you are at the ocean. Also on the 100m cross section the waves came in against the side of us instead of straight at us. I remember one time I breathed and saw Michael about a yard away from me, felt a wave hit me and I was on top of him. It was pushing us around a lot. All the more exciting I guess. Also the water was cold, very cold. It was so cold we had to wear earplugs to keep the water out of our ears because it was painful and would make us nauseous. Not only were our ears a problem but my face, feet and hands burned because they were the only things not protected by the wetsuit. I also kept cramping in my quads and calves from the cold so I’d have to kick to generate heat in the muscles. Cramping would be a theme for this race and this was just the begging. If I kicked for 30 seconds my legs would warm up enough to stop cramping. I hate kicking when swimming and with a wet suit it isn’t really necessary so it was annoying to have to do so. After about 200 meters my legs would cramp again so I’d have to kick and the cycle continued the entire race. At the last 200m of the swim I lost Michael in the confusion of the finish so I just put my head down and gave everything my arms had. I got to the beach where I could touch the bottom and started climbing out. I took off my cap and goggles first so my family could see me, then removed my earplugs and started the 30-40m jog to transition. Time=1:03.

 T1- swim to bike
swim to bike bags
The chute to transition from swim to bike was confusing. You run down this chute, have someone pull off your wetsuit, hand you your bag of gear and run into the change tents to put on bike gear like helmet, shoes, jersey (shorts were on under my wetsuit). Problem is I missed the strippers so I had to back track about 10 m to go to them, then I had to find my bag in the pile because the volunteer getting it ran the wrong way. I don’t blame her at all, out of 2800 bags trying to find mine without knowing where it was could be tough.I remembered where in the line it was so I just ran to it and took off to the change tent. It was so damn hard to get my jersey on, being wet and trying to put on a dry race shirt is not a good combo. Michael caught up to me while I was throwing on my bike shoes(no socks) so I helped pull his jersey on for him. I loaded up my pockets with gel, endurolytes, drink powder, and chapstick, then pulled on my skins sleeves since my jersey is a race tank and it was still 60 degrees outside and I was soaking wet and took off to my bike. I grabbed it out of the rack, ran about 50m with it, mounted and took off. Time =8min

 Bike- 112 miles
I started off really slow on the bike. I had to. I always go hard on the bike and then crash out so I had to start slow. It felt like I let every person in the damn race pass me, but I stuck to my plan. The bike course was 2 loops, roughly 60 miles the first lap and 52 the second. It started off through neighborhoods in and around downtown Coeur d’Alene and wrapped along Lake Coeur d’Alene, turned around at mile 12 and headed back down the same road. At mile 8 there was a long slow uphill, probably half a mile in length. I climbed it slow. I was not going to waste any more energy than I had to that early in the race. We turned around at 12 and headed back down towards the city. The downhill was fast, I just coasted and let gravity do the work. The first 20 miles of the race I focused on pace and food. I had to eat, had to drink, had to catch up then try to get ahead. An hour swim takes it out of you in terms of nutrition and I had to catch up. After tracking back through downtown we took a road north into the hills.
heading out to the hills on 1st lap
The wind was whipping up pretty good outside of town and I was trying to move as efficiently as I could. I barely pushed into the wind, coasted on anything that seemed to be a downhill, and pedaled in my easiest gear on any incline. My tactic was simply survival. Survive the first lap and then figure out the second lap. It took about 35 miles to really get into the hills and when we did, oh man. They were terrible. The road met up with a lake in Hayden, Idaho. It was a gorgeous lake with very expensive houses but the road wrapped up and down. The hills through the back section of the race went like this: Put your bike into its lowest gear, pedal as smoothly as you can, struggle to save energy while sitting down, finally get to the top and fall down the other side. I looked back at some of my speeds during the bike. My garmin took a split at every mile and there were miles where my average would be 10-14 mph, obviously on an uphill, and the next mile would be 25-35 mph on a downhill stretch. That sucked. It was challenging, both mentally and physically and it occurred over and over again. There weren’t any nice hills, it was all or nothing. We spent the entire back half of the race in one giant group because we were all doing everything we could to save speed on the hill while also saving energy. I can’t believe I didn’t get any drafting penalties because I was riding right on people’s wheels the entire time. And people were riding on mine. It was annoying yes, and I’m sure I was annoying other people too but there was nothing any of us could do. The hills were that steep. I caught up to Michael at some point during these hills, and we switched places for a while, him chasing me, me chasing him. We stopped at mile 40, 60, and I stopped at 85 to pee. Here is where all my problems started. Idaho is very dry. College station is not. I went from 100% humidity to 0-5% maybe 10% at the most. Worst of all is that I didn’t even think about it, notice it, nor was I prepared for it. So I went about my ride taking in my normal amounts of electrolytes and water, never thinking about the fact that I was losing salt like crazy. I was getting worried because I was peeing so much and it was because of too much water and not enough electrolytes. When we stopped at 40 I was already cramping. If I stood up on a hill my legs would cramp, lock-up, and I would struggle to keep pedaling. So I started taking Gatorade but I think it was too late and my stomach really couldn’t handle the extra sugar. I think I also mixed my Perpetuem too thick so my stomach had to draw more water out of my body to digest it than it should have and I was hurting myself that way. I was getting energy but not enough water or electrolyte to allow my muscles to function properly.
heading out on 2nd lap
By the turn around for the second lap I was already feeling crappy. My stomach was sour, my legs were cramping still, and I was feeling pretty out of luck. I focused on trying to take in more pills to bring my legs back but I also couldn’t stop peeing. This was my main issue and the tipping point of the electrolyte balance. Obviously I had the right amount of fluids going in, maybe even too much, but not with the right amount of “stuff” in it. At special needs I missed my bag. I didn’t realize the numbers went from 1-2800 and not from 2800-1. So I got all the way to the end and got to do a victory lap back to my bag. I stopped and grabbed 2 packets of heed. Heed is a high energy high electrolyte drink. I wish I had more because it really helped but my quantities of it were low because most of it I had already mixed with perpetuem and I couldn’t stomach any more of that junk. It was a real battle. I dropped endurolytes all over the ground because I couldn’t hold on to my bottle. A volunteer helped pick them up for me. No telling what kind of road grime I swallowed the rest of the bike. I took 3 Aleve to help my aching back from all the steep hill climbs. While there I forgot to each some of my PBJ sandwich due to the excitement of dropping all those pills. This was one of my only opportunities for solid food and I missed it. I’m sure it hurt me somehow but thinking back it wasn’t the only thing that did. Just add it to the tab. Once loaded up, I threw some trash in the bag and left. As we headed out towards mile 70 I started to balance out. The cramping wasn’t getting worse, but it wasn’t getting better, my stomach was still sour but I was still keeping up with the people around me. At 85 I stopped again, refilled a bottle with heed, slammed 8 endurolyte pills, ate a banana, pee’d and headed in. The hills were beating me down. They were just hammering on me. My slowest bike mile recorded on the Garmin was 8 miles per hour. That’s nuts, I can run at and above that speed. I had a few 9’s many 10’s and 11’s but I had two 8’s. The mile immediately after 8 was 35mph. Again, just stupid. I made it through what I knew was the last triplet of hills around mile 90-95. Psychological beat down there. You’re coming over the first one and can see the second and third right in front of you. You fly down the back side and slam into the next one, dead stop, change gears, stand up, limp up, sit down, throw gear on, fly down, slam into the next one, same drill, and a few choice words later you are out of it. I caught Michael at 100 or so and he was hurting. I jumped in front of him and told him to stay on me and we picked it up. We alternated leading the rest of the way in and really booked it back to transition. I pretended to drink and eat but my stomach was on its way down. I did what I could but I really I just wanted off the bike.
Bike leg is done! i'm 3rd in line
We pulled in to transition right behind each other, threw our bikes away, and hobbled to the change tents to begin the next part of our journey… the marathon. Most people think it’s an epic thing by itself… I’ll take mine at the end of a 2.4 mile swim and a 112 mile bike thank you…

T2- bike to run
I sat down. That’s all I wanted to do. Sit down on something other than a torture device with wheels, and not use my legs. I pretended to put on my socks and shoes quickly but I was in no hurry. It was shaded, it smelled horrible in the tent, and I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I grabbed the rest of the crap out of my bag. The only things I’d use were the heed, the recoverite, the endurolytes, and the Chap Stick. Everything else would get thrown away or turn into a paste mess in my back pocket because I ripped a perpetuem bag without knowing it during the run and poured water on myself at some point and made really expensive glue. I put on my trademark visor cleaned my sunglasses, told Michael good luck and waltzed out of the tent finally. Next was supposed to be my favorite part, but it wasn’t.

Right after mile 2
Run- 26.2 miles
I didn’t grab my watch off my bike. My Garmin had 5% power left. I was pissed. I like running without a watch sometimes but not during a race. I’m a pace person. I follow the watch and this time it was just me running and the mileage markers guiding me. The Garmin lasted for the first 2 miles of the run or should I say shuffle. It’s key to start off slow and I did. 9 minute miles felt good so I ran at 10 minute miles. I had to wait until mile 5 to run how I wanted to. Any earlier and I’d go too fast and pay for it. I was already paying though. My quads locked with every step. My toes were curling under my feet from calve cramps. And I couldn’t even run how I wanted to. I filled my bottle with heed and drank it in about 3 minutes. It isn’t super sweet, and at the time was delicious. At the time I really wished I had another pack of it. I think that would have really changed my run. But I didn’t plan for the conditions or how I was feeling at that point when I planned out the run. I put that heed in there last minute and am glad I did. After 20 minutes I could feel it helping me. Problem was I was running in the heat, in direct sunlight, I was out of heed and I couldn’t handle the perpetuem any more. Every time I drank it I got nauseous. I had to really dilute it and I was taking endurolytes every time I would hit an aid station. They were located every mile and helped me know where on the course I was because mile markers were at random intervals. The run wrapped along the same road as the beginning of the bike. It took us out along the lake but it was very long. Something like 5 miles out along the lake, straight line and you could see the whole way out. The turnaround was on the same hill as the beginning of the bike. We ran half way up it and turned around at mile 6 or 7, I don’t really remember. I was just pissed they were making us run up that hill. It wasn’t a run it was a shuffle, it was one foot in front of the other so you didn’t stop or go backwards. Get up there, run around this little cone, with a timing mat that beeps at you, no congrats you made it out here, just a beep and a mile marker with 21 on it. I thought to myself thanks for rubbing it in. I’m only like 7 miles into this thing. On the pilgrimage back in I focused on trying to catch up but nothing was working. Pills, nope, Gatorade, nope, cola would give me a caffeine boost but energy is no good with muscle cramps. I kept hobbling towards town as best as I could. The people were great and the city was beautiful but I was down because I couldn’t run like I wanted to. I physically couldn’t do what I know I was capable of doing and it started to wear on me and my mind. My Left foot started hurting at mile 10. It hurt just in front of my heel on the bottom of the foot. It started as soreness, and then grew to something noticeable, then a sharp pain with every step. I tried to change my gait but it didn’t work. I took my last 2 pain pills hoping for some relief and just kept going. There was nothing I could do and it wasn’t as bad as the cramps so I pushed on.
if you look closely my left leg is cramping
I finished my first lap and got to special needs at 15 and filled my bottle with recoverite. It would give me lots of endurolytes, lots of sugar, and glutamine to help start recovery. I started drinking it but I was still feeling low. My run had turned into a game. I couldn’t run slowly because I would cramp from trying to hold myself back. I had to run fast but I could only run fast until just before each aid station. At each aid I was literally sucking the salt off of pretzels to get as much as I could. I would take a handful, shove them into my mouth, drink some water and once they were no longer salty spit them out. After a few times of doing this I got some relief but it was short lived because the salt was coming in stages. So I would run until the salt ran out again and cramp. I would do a ridiculous speed walk shuffle while trying to drink and suck pretzels and after the aid station take off again. This kept on mile after mile, from about mile 8 until the end. I turned a corner after special needs on the loop back through transition near mile 15 and saw my family, Kristen and her parents and lost it.
The Breaking Point
I was done. I quit in my head, gave up, and stopped by them. I couldn’t speak, didn’t want to, and just stood there. Kristen wanted me to pick it up but I couldn’t and I thought I was letting them down. At that moment it wasn’t fun anymore. It wasn’t enjoyable. It was a battle, a war even. And I didn’t think I had the strength to do it anymore. I looked at my support team and knew how far they had traveled to see me finish this. Not quit, not wimp out, not make excuses, just finish. They knew what I could do and what I wanted to do. I took a deep breath, knew I had to keep going and just started running again. Hobbling really but I wasn’t stationary anymore. I have video evidence of it thanks to my sneaky dad. I broke and all can see it. I ran down the street, upset, sniffling or crying if you want to call it that. I was mad, tired, hurting and frustrated that I was getting beat. I kept on. Run-walk-run-walk station after station. Pretzels, Gatorade, perpetuem, water, soda, banana, pills, again and again. I was an assembly line. I did everything I could think of to improve my condition but I couldn’t. I was still dehydrated. My calves were getting worse. On the way back down the lake I had to stop many times because I physically couldn’t run anymore. This was now a race run purely off of desire. Any plans I had were gone. No strategy, no tricks, no tactic. Just move and don’t stop. The sun began really setting as I made the final turn around. At this point I’m just thinking make it back. I walked up the last hill. My quads couldn’t handle the incline. I had no climb left it just wasn’t going to happen. I also walked down the hill because I couldn’t slow myself down. If I ran I would cramp and fall forward and I wasn’t sure I could catch myself so I walked. Mile 21, just make it back. I Kept eating pretzels and drinking water. I couldn’t stand bananas anymore and gel was gross long before this point so I was hoping I had enough left. I had a few swigs of Gatorade on the way in but it tasted awful. The miles were long. I remember on the way in not remembering the course at all. This was an effect of the lack of sugar in my body. I was breaking down muscle for fuel and had been for a while and my brain was stuggling to keep up. I really thought they had changed the course on the last loop but I had run it before. The sun and lack of sugars played with my mind but I remember thinking over and over, “hm this looks new”. As I neared the finish I could hear it. That’s when you know it’s over, that’s when everything ends.
Your feet don’t hurt anymore, you aren’t tired, you aren’t hungry, you can run again, and you are ready to be done. The last mile I lit up. I didn’t care what happened, injury, fall, whatever, I took my chances. I got a little boost of adrenaline so I used it. I hate finishing in a group, I want the whole finish line to myself and I was going to take it. I sprinted past six or seven people into a gap and made it to the end.
I saw my mother-in-law just before the finish line and gave her a wave, and carried on to my destination.I crossed the finish, hands in the air, so glad to be done and have another one under my belt. It wasn’t my best but I wasn’t my worst either. I had big plans and even bigger dreams but the course decided otherwise and that’s ok. You have to have bad races to make the good ones that much better. Honestly, I’ll take a 12 hour finish any day. I got my medal and shirt, was knighted an ironman once again and carried on through the finish line.
Final time- 12:09
Just got my 4th medal. Kristen said i had to smile.

Immediately after the race I saw my mom and dad and gave them a hug. All I could do was sigh and smile when my dad asked how I was. That summed it up. I Finished, I felt like crap, and I was ready to sit down and he knew that.
immediately post-race
I went to the food after I saw everyone and had 2 cups of chicken broth to rehydrate. After that I had a sprite, 2 pieces of pizza, a cookie and some pretzels. I went and got a massage which was terrible because I was so thoroughly covered in salt, dirt and filth that it felt like a scrub not a massage but I’m sure it helped. After the massage I put my prerace clothes back on, grabbed 3 more pizza slices, another soda, and a cookie and had some more to eat. As I waited for Michael to finish all my ailments came back, I had trouble walking, and my toes started killing me. Before we left I went and stood in the cold lake as a pseudo ice bath which I’m sure helped too but that was pretty unpleasant.
That night I had a few sips of the beer I promised Michael we would have and then went to bed. The next few days I was incredibly sore from all the cramping and my feet were killing me. One was the original injury the other was a result of compensating for the injury. I loved the Coeur D’Alene course and race as a whole. The swim was very tough and cold. The bike was by far the hardest and most beautiful I’ve been on, but it was a great course. The roads were smooth, scenic and wide. The run was moderate. There were a few little hills but I liked the out and back along the lake, even though I could see where I had to go 5 miles away from me. The volunteers and city were the best part of this race. The planning was amazing and everyone embraced the race. I plan on going back to this race again, I feel have some unfinished business with those bike hills. 2012 maybe?

More pictures
pseudo ice bath
telling them about my day
feet hurting bad, my face explains
one of many bottles of water post race
what does it feel like to do an ironman? this about sums it up.
michael just finished
always happy to be done, and knowing we can eat what we want.
the pizza feast, part 2 for me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

almost done

finished writing, have to finish editing, then have to compile the post. I promise soon!!!

Also i've started crossfit again. 2 weeks in, i'll start posting again about that after i finish this write up on IMCDA.

To be continued

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Coming Soon!!!

i'm working on my write up for the race so hopefully it'll be done friday, check back to see my take/ point of view of the race.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

full day

today i did a 14-16 mile whitewater rafting trip for time. class 2,3,4 rapids. lots of fun.

the only problem was trying to bend my knees to anchor myself to the boat so i wouldn't fall out. i spent most of the day in a balancing act because my knees are still hurting so bad that its close to impossible to bend 90 degrees, let alone hold them in that position. straight legged is the only way to go. the knees are still swollen, my quads and calves are still swollen and the bottom of my foot still hurts after 10-15 steps. Guess i need to make an appt with dr. distefano again to see what real damage I've done. Idaho is beautiful, I'm eating like a machine, not really interested in alcohol still which is weird but i think its too much for my stomach. with how bad I'm feel physiologically I'm estimating about 6 weeks of recovery. it will truly take about that long to heal, repair and be ready for any strenuous activity again. I've been checking up on the gym I'm helping run and they are killing the workouts i left for them, i can't wait to jump in with them but it looks like it will be a while, and that is without any real injuries which i don't think I'll get away with this time, i hurt too much. its still hard to get up from sitting and i tried to roll out again this morning before rafting. i think that is hurting more than it is helping so I'm done with it for a few days. After 2 hours of sitting in a car in the morning, 1 hour on a bus, 6 hours in a raft on the river, another hour in a bus, and 2 hours back in the car this afternoon i think it is time to ice my knees again. plus its dinner time, peace

Monday, June 28, 2010

iron hangover

just got done eating breakfast. it was good to get some real food in me. Just to let you know what i ate this morning:

3-4 egg omelet with sausage, bacon, ham, swiss cheese. 1 biscuit with gravy, home fries, one 12 inch blueberry pancake with honey butter, a few bites of another buttermilk pancake dressed similarly, and 3 glasses of water. Amazing, and i'm already hungry again.

The morning after a race is always exciting. My quads are pretty much rocks, my calves are definitely feeling the cramping from yesterday, my knees are very swollen and sore, the bottom of my left foot still hurts like crazy, i really think i tore it, i have some sweet sunburns on my quads, and i'm just generally moving slow. All for glory!

Thanks again to everyone who kept up with me. i was in a state of delusion 14 miles into the run, had someone let me quit i think i would have.i kept thinking about everyone watching me and knew i had to set an example for you all. Like kristen said, when i saw her at mile 14 of the run i didn't say anything, just stood there shaking my head, trying to stand up and wanting to quit. I literally didn't speak for the minute or two i was there while they tried to push me on and finally i turned and start running again. i'll post a whole write up on the race later today or tomorrow or wednesday. so look for that. thanks again.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Michael finished in 14:09! Mission complete. Goodnight!
My feet are bleeding, I think I tore my plantaris(bottom of foot), beyond dehydrated, sick to my stomach, covered in salt, and can't walk but thank god I'm done. Probably the hardest ironman I've done thus far. I'll update more tomorrow, thanks for following me!
"You are an Ironman!" Those are the words the announcer said to daren at 12:09. Yall will never understand how amazing it is to see these athletes finish this amazing race until you've seen it for yourself. Daren did say a few words when he finished. I got a smile out of him too! He talked about how difficult the bike was...going 6 mph up the hill and then 40 mph down. He's in such good spirits to be done! Thank you everyone for watching the blog today. It means so much to daren to have all of yall supporting him. You've now heard my perspective of the race and I'm guessing daren will give you his when he can actually think straight. Now to go watch for Michael to finish. He wasn't doing well at all...vomiting for a couple of hours and walking the majority of the marathon. Hopefully it's getting better and he will finish soon. He told me that he would finish and that he was having a beer afterwards no matter what!
Saw daren at mile 15. He already has himself beat. I think the weather has been too hot. His pace is still a 9:37 but he didn't say much and looked really beat when we just saw him. Tried to offer some encouragement and even a little coaching words to pick up the pace and negative split the second half of the marathon. It's not gonna happen though until he believes that he can. We won't get to see him until he finishes. He will finish. Just not in under 11 hours like he wanted and maybe not even in under 12. Keep your fingers crossed that he finds that fire within and pushes through the pain for 2 more hours. Might have an update before the finish based on
Ok so here's what happened...daren was literally the person behind Michael coming into transition but we thought he was going to be at least 3 minutes behind him so when we saw Michael we only yelled for Michael and only took pictures of Michael. Going back to the pictures though afterwards we realized that daren was in every single picture in the background. Guess I'll be cropping some of those :) glad we got some pictures at least. Then they came out of transition together but Michael took a potty break so that's how daren ended up out in front. Darens now been working out for almost 9 hours. What have you done today?
So we went to see daren transition from bike to run and we totally missed him. We were really worried that he got a flat or was hurt. We saw Michael go through transition and waited 25 minutes then we checked ironmanlive and he had finished the bike so we ran out to our chairs and just saw him on the run. He looked great. No idea how far into the run he is but maybe 2 miles or so. Waiting to see if we see Michael now. Op there he goes. Looks like daren is about 3 minutes ahead of Michael now. Over and out!
Saw the boys go by on the bike at mile 70. Pace is about 17.5 mph. A little faster would be good but we think they stopped at their special needs bag this last time around. They should finish the bike in about 2.5 hours. We are currently enjoying a beer on the back porch of the coeur d'alene brewing company...great spectators aren't we?!? I told yall I was the perfect spectator :) Michael is only 45 seconds ahead of daren which is great for both of them!
Just saw daren at about mile 15 of the bike. Looked happy! Wind isn't much of a problem. Probably only 5-10 mph winds. Completely clear skies and a wonderful 57 degrees. Won't see them again for another two hours. They are headed out of town now.
Boys are out of the water. Darens swim time was 1:03.37 and his transition time was 9:01. He's out on the bike now. Looked good especially with his cheeks slathered with sunscreen. Hopefully no burns this year! Don't know the next time we will see them yet
The boys got in the water for the swim about 10 minutes ago meanwhile the first pro just finished his swim in 46 minutes. It's an interesting swim because it's two laps with a very short beach run in between. We were unable to spot daren or Michael in their black wetsuits and red caps since everyone is wearing the samething. More to come soon. Team Ends-atino Out!
Good morning! It's 5 am race day here in coeur d'alene. The boys woke up at 4 am and daren ate 2 eggs, a banana, and one slice of watermelon. He also took 2 applesauces with him for right before the race. Both boys were really quiet this morning. Maybe because it was early, maybe because they are nervous, or maybe they are just being focused. Patsy, Lauren (michaels wife) and myself walked the mile to the race site at 4:30 and got the perfect spot for our group to sit at for the swim. The pro athletes will start their swim at 6:25 and then at 7:00 daren and Michael will be in the water. They just announced the water temp is 61 degrees. It'll be cold but hopefully bearable. Keep checking back every 2-3 hours as I will be posting as often as I can to keep you updated. You can also keep track of him at his bib number is 163

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Game time

just under 12 hours away now. Thanks again to everyone who is following me and everyone who has wished me good luck. i'll have plenty of time to try and convince myself i'm not as tough as i used to be and you all will keep me going, i have too many people i'd let down if i don't finish. Kristen will be updating this blog all day so keep it here for updates tomorrow. you can leave her comments because she'll see me 5-6 times throughout the race and can relay me messages. Also you can follow me at and enter my race number (#163) for updates of my times and stages throughout the day. it may get backlogged so be patient and remember the race doesn't start until 9am college station, tx time. The blog will be your best choice to get instant updates. I'm tired, nervous, anxious, worried and excited so i'm going to try to get some sleep. These things never get easier... Here is the playlist and order of the songs i'll listen to in the morning on my way to the race site to calm down and get ready...

kings and queens, 30 seconds to mars
sing for the moment, eminem
your hand in mine, explosions in the sky
your disease, saliva
its better to learn, soasin
this is war, 30 seconds to mars
memorial, explosions in the sky
air planes pt. II, b.o.b. feat. haylee williams and eminem
Undead, hollywood undead
teardrop, massive attack

Friday, June 25, 2010

Course and area pics.

How was your friday? mine was great, obviously,update below that.

friday is wrapping up here in coeur d' alene idaho. I woke up early and went for a swim in the lake we will be swimming in saturday.

it is very cold. like make your face sting, take your breathe away and make your toes cramp cold. The wetsuit was great after i warmed up some but my face and head never really got better. it will be a long hour swim. also the water was very choppy this morning. worse than some oceans i've swam in. the swim will head straight out into the current, left turn, then other left turn, and head back with the current. get out, run on the beach for about 100m then complete second lap. it will be good to get out of the water for a second and hopefully grab something to drink. i don't know if they'll have an aid station on the run, i would assume not, but i can still hope. The bike course goes all over idaho, i don't even know how to describe it, so here it is..

The run follows along the lake, as does some of the bike. we drove it today while out touring the area, it has a really good long hill. i would say at least half a mile long, realistically closer to one mile. so that will be fun. the run is a two loop out and back, just like louisville was. it will be great for pacing but mentally difficult. its a long way to run 6 miles in a straight line. it'll have to do. the area is still somewhat of a mystery. the crews started putting it together today so tomorrow i'll have a better idea of what is going on. Hope everyone is doing well. Waking up to 60 degrees with the sun rising at 5am can't really be beat. nor can a high of 75 degrees and not having to use a/c in the car, even on a 2 hour drive.  here is an idea of the area i'm in for the next 6 days, it looks over the lake we are on and swimming in...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

So travel is over. Idaho is a gorgeous state but it is also pretty darn hilly. I've been riding mostly in college station which is very flat but I did do 7 or so rides on the hills of Austin mostly rides over 50 miles so hopefully that will pay off Sunday. We checked out the lake we are swimming in today, it's water from snow melt so it will be very cool, right now it's around 58 degrees. The athlete village is huge by the lake so there will be lots of room to roam around tomorrow and then plenty of space Sunday for the race. We haven't picked up our race info yet so no major details on the route but I'll update with that tomorrow. Also hopefully have my day before the race and race morning playlists. I think those will suprise you firebreathers. Out...
We got to Spokane. We are two hours behind college station time. The weather is an amazing 75 degrees with no humindity. Headed to coeur d'alene in our yellow camero. End transmission.
Just landed in denver, 2 hour lay over then to Spokane Washington

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First leg

made it to austin. feel very tired. i had to put together my snacks for tomorrow because airports are not paleo, not at all. still have to get up at 4 am tomorrow, even without crossfit. plane leaves at 7am so we have to head to the airport early, around 5 am. Thanks for all the good luck wishes so far. i keep forgetting what i am undertaking, its going to be nuts, but i think i'm ready. update tomorrow.


you can comment on here now, i fixed it, for some reason i had locked it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

on to the next one, plus some nutrition info

I'm 24 hours away from being on my way to idaho for ironman #4. i'm already packed up which is incredible for me, i usually procrastinate terribly. tomorrow i have a pretty big workload so it'll be hard to squeeze in one last training swim but think i can manage. today i put all of my nutrition stuff together. i'm guessing i'll take in 3,000-4,000 calories during the race but i'll be burning anywhere from 12,000-15,000 for the day. thats a big deficit. lots of muscle wasting will be going on. the key will be to put it off as long as i can. as well as dehydration. you can't stop it, you can only hope to delay it as much as possible. i have a mix of gels, drinks, and electolyte tabs, that i will be consuming along the course. my goal is one gel every 45-60 min(100 cal) one bottle of perpetuem every hour or so(270 cal) along with some bananas thrown in there somewhere towards the end. All in all it should be 4440 cal for the day if the plan works. Notice i didn't include any solid food. i will eat nothing but gel and perpetuem for 12 hours. exciting huh? think of me while you enjoy breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and then dinner. 3-2-1-go.

Packing up and strange events.

i'm spending the day packing today. working all tomorrow so i have to have it done tonight. i got a call today that really shook me up and here is why. I race because i can. i do it to show myself that i can achieve incredible things and push myself to limits most have never encountered. have you ever been exercising for 12 hours straight? with no real food, no one to talk to, nothing to do but sit and breathe and move, and hear yourself for the entire day? its something else, you should try it. anyway i have the ability to, and why not do it now when life is so short? i had a reinforcement of this fact saturday and again today, back to the phone call in a second. thrusday night my grandfather(the last grandparent) took a nasty fall outside his apartment building. he shattered his eye sockets, and had bleeding into the brain among other things. he spent the night in the icu. saturday he was moved out because he was improving, swelling reducing, gaining awareness, some good brain function. he was awake long enough to pray with my uncle and aunt before he fell back asleep sunday night. yesterday the doctors went to evaluate him in the morning. unresponsive. poor sodium levels which indicate limited brain function. to put it squarely his brain is giving up. the tubes, ivs and assistance were removed yesterday and its a waiting game now.about that phone call... today i got a call from one of my best friends and fellow ironman athletes(who is competing with me sunday) that his grandmother died yesterday. what are the chances? its unreal that we both are hit with this days before such a big race. The week will move forward as planned but it will be bitter sweet. we can only live today and not worry too much about the future, and you can bet we will be racing our asses off, until we have nothing left, and then we'll finish the second half of the race. so to the grandparents, please watch over us and keep us safe. Game time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Prep run

gotta keep up with me, gonna be lots of posting this week, so make sure you scroll down to the other posts. Anyway did one of my last prep runs this week. the best part of a race is the tapering in the 2 weeks leading up. today i only had to do a 2 mile run! amazing compared to 8 or 10. anyway i killed it so that is encouraging. i just ran, and ran hard because it felt good.

2 miles
13:09, 231 cal
mile 1- 6:48
mile 2- 6:19

Race Day packing list

observe all the crap i have to remember to pack and or will need on race day...

Day bag

Flip flops
Body glide
Swim cap

Monday prep

ok so the week begins. i have tons to do before i leave for Idaho. first off i must pack. not only am i doing a 12 hour long race but i have to also pack for a full vacation. I'll put my packing list up for y'all to see just how crazy and meticulous it has to be. i have to also plan out meals for this week. half the week is spent in Idaho too so i have to plan a grocery trip when we get there and what we'll eat there. i have a lot of stuff lined up this week so gotta get to work. update tonight

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

monday run

between teaching crossfit, mowing the lawn, edging the lawn and packed stuff to get ready to move friday i got a run in yesterday. it was hot and humid and my legs were certainly tired from this weekend. it was a good mental battle to keep running instead of stopping and hiding in the shade of a tree. man was it hot.

5 miles
7:30-7:40 pace
1000 degrees
200% humidity

weekend wrap up

man this weekend was crazy for me. here is a brief outline of it.

went to austin friday planning to do a 75 mile ride saturday. woke up sat morning at 4 am to intense thunder storms. hoped the would pass so i went back to sleep and woke up when my alarm went off at 6. looked outside, still rainy and no sign of letting up. checked 4 different weather reports. most said some sort of rain. only 1 said no rain. the other three ranged from rain all day to only in the evening and only in the morning. went back to sleep. at 730 woke up, still raining, so i decided to scrap the ride. i ended up going to the gym with my dad, here is what i did.

1.5 hour spin bike ride, 1 hour of it was a spin class, then rowed 1k, then swam for 20 min.

When i left the gym it was cloudy still. as soon as i got home and showered it was sunny. i thought, hm the weather must be right, it will rain later today since thats what it called for. turns out it was hot as hell, sunny as anything and didn't rain a drop after 10 am. so once i was done with everything I had planned for the day I went out and did another bike ride on some hills.

30 mile bike. don't know stats, not worried about it, it was hot and my legs were exhausted from the start.

Sunday I went down to barton springs to try my wetsuit. I was supposed to get to sleep in sunday and rest but since saturday was so messed up that didn't happen. I got a new wetsuit for couer d'alene since right now the water temp is 49 and it should be around 60 on race day.the wetsuit was great. it was very warm but i could tell it will tax my shoulders more than i thought. even though the rubber is very flexible and is designed well it still restricts movement. other than that it good. i swam roughly 800m trying out the suit. 68 degree water.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Am wod

lauren wanted me to workout with the 6am class this morning so i did with the last group

500m row
12 deadlifts at bodyweight(155#)
21 box jumps (24 inch box)

10:07, my previous pr was 10:55

Thursday, May 6, 2010


rowed this morning, felt good to be alone at the box and just row.

10x 250m row.
held 1:40/500m pace.
each between :50 and :53 seconds.
damper at 4.

then for fun:
3 rounds
10 ring dips
10 pull-ups
10 toe to bar
unbroken sets.

wed ride

i was on a tight schedule yesterday so i had to go hard on the ride. it was really windy, it seemed like in every direction too. cycling is terrible in the wind for me. mainly its a psychological thing, get defeated and let everything else get to me. hopefully idaho won't be windy on june 27.

15 miles
dont know speed because garmin died.
time was about 50 minutes.
wind 15-20mph, sustained.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


hey this thing still exists? neat.

just kidding, back to work.

today did a 4 miles run,the first workout since my 65 mile bike sunday and man could i feel it. it was brutally hot, and i ate way too close to the run so i was hypoglycemic the whole time. that means i felt like crap, had no energy, and my mind was going crazy due to the low blood sugar(hypoglycemia). all in all bad run, but take the bad with the good, it makes it that much better on a good day. over and out.

4 miles
pace below 8min the whole time, probably around 7:40, don't know exact because my garmin is in another room.

off to crossfit for the afternoon/evening.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


off day today, but i had to do a workout display for the chamber of commerce. it was a great workout. i worked out against charlie, and zach and kirk, some of our crossfit clients. they are machines so it was a true battle.

5 rounds for time:
200m row
5 deadlifts, bodyweight, so mine was 155
10 wall-balls

i don't know my time but i hit it harder than i have in a while. i got second place, charlie beat me on the wall balls right at the end.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

intervals- stationary bike and rower

i did a nice interval workout yesterday. it was a tough mental workout for me. rowing is always a mental battle becasue it is so boring just rowing for straight time. i felt good on the bike and noticed i could push a bigger gear than i used to. i'm going to try to work more stationary work into my training for hill training. good workout overall and felt good afterwards.

5 min bike, standing, gear 16, rpm 60-65
5 min row, 1:50 average
5 min bike, stand, same
5 min row, same
5 min bike, seated, same gear/rpm
5 min row, same
5 min bike, stand, same
5 min row, same
5 min bike, stand, same
5 min row, same
5 min bike, seated, same gear/rpm


feeling better today, the 10 miles didn't do me in too much but i was slow to recover. today nose isn't running like a faucet which is a welcome state. still congested but i'll take that over runny nose any day. gonna stay indoors today, i don't need another horrible afternoon becasue of the pollen. rowing and hill climbs on the bike, should be fun, update tonight

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

run/ jog

just wrapped up a 10 mile run, in fact i'm drinking my shake right now. anyway, first "hot" day of the year. amazing how 80 degrees feels hot right now, in a few weeks 80 will feel like winter. i've been stricken with allergies and what some call hay fever the past few days. itchy eyes, running (dripping) nose, relentless sneezing, and some wheezing. so why not do 10 miles today! i was feeling alot better when i woke up this morning and i've just been having this constant nose drip today so i decided i'm fine to pick back up training. i was supposed to do 10 on sunday but because my throat was hurting so bad from drainage i ended up taking 2 days off. so i did my long run today. i could have used a little more water as i ran out the last mile but i'll fix that next time. i felt very sluggish from all the allergy meds and especially the benadryl i'm taking today so i kept the pace slower. it was a nice run, i could tell 10 was about as far as my joints could handle today. and about mile 7 i got the run chill where i know i'm pushing my limits. all in all i'd label today's run a sucess. we'll see how i recover and whether or not i was healthy enough to run or if i get a real illness later today from running. time will tell. enough rambling...

run- 10 miles
1164 cal
1:21 total time. stopped a few time to clear my nose and talk to people i knew.

Monday, March 29, 2010

less than 3 months

we are under 3 months now... and again no workout today. still sick. not good

Sunday, March 28, 2010


its a good thing i worked out yesterday on my "off day" with crossfit because today i'm in no shape to workout. my throat is raw from all the drainage going through it because of my allergies. it hurts to swallow, cough, hiccup, breathe, or eat/drink. i started to feel it last night but it was too late to combat it. i went and got some more allergy meds and decongestant this morning so hopefully tomorrow i can make up a long run that was supposed to happen today. i hate allergies. i feel great besides my stupid throat. i know its just allergies because my nose has been running non-stop all week and its just the back of my throat that hurts. hopefully staying inside all day today, out of the heavy winds blowing pollen around, will help it.

on another note i'm trying something new this week. Planning meals more efficiently! i have an idea of what i'm eating for bfast, lunch and din everyday this week. we'll see if that buys me some more time. i'm back to prepping meals on sunday too, organization means more free time i hope.

Friday, March 26, 2010

the return

ok i'm back. i needed to take a few weeks off. i was having horrible time management habits so i needed to get everything else in place so i could start "blogging" again. a few updates for you:

1- i am 3 months and 1 day away from the biggest race of my life, ironman couer d'alene. I have lofty goals for this race( 11 hours or less) and have locked in my nutrition to aid my training... see below.

2- i have upgraded my nutrition with a challenge between me and charlie to see who can eat the best paleo until the race. i think i am winning since he is drinking coffee still but he says he is almost off of it. i say...weak. nutrition is very hard. on my own i can do it. but as soon as i start doing good i think man i've been doing great i can slack, no, bad idea so this will help us both lock it in for our upcoming competitions. i am allowing myself 1 cheat meal a week,see below

3- i am giving up my ice cream hold-out. i have made it 3 weeks but in order to have a perfect paleo diet during the rest of the week i have to tell myself i get ice cream once a week. you want to know my kryptonite? ice cream, big time. my wife knows that i want nothing more at the end of EVERYDAY than a half gallon of ice cream. i don't know why but i love it. so i will again give myself this one luxury, but once it becomes more than once a week i will abstain again. let the battle between brain and taste buds begin. i know, ice cream wow, but its true, it can collapse this beast in a heartbeat. there my secret is out. this will be my cheat meal- ice cream,just that.

4- i'm going to again start posting my workouts, i've caught up with my journal of everything so it will once again be on here for all to see my good workouts and more often my failures. even though it sucks i can't be afraid to fail, i have before, see here, so another time won't kill me. i am also going to start including a little more commentary on them beginning tomorrow so they are half interesting.

alright so check back often to see what it is i put myself thorough on a daily basis. some workouts from this week are posted below.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

thursday- run

run- 4 miles
don't know how fast. 20+ mile per hour winds and already felt terrible before the run, just had to move

2nd WOD
about 50 handstand push-ups throughout the day of coaching crossfit. i consider that number an endurance workout

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

wed- weights and cross train

Dl- posterior chain muscular endurance work
4x15- 95,95,115,115
walking lunges
30# dumbells, 20 steps, between each dealift set, 4 total

4 rounds of
3 Handstand push-ups, head to ground
6 pull-ups, standard kip
9 overhead squats, 45#

6 min, then did 10 more handstand push-ups

Tabata row- lowest round 8 cal, highest 9

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


run- 5 miles
pace- 7:20
cal- 600
37 min

Monday, March 22, 2010


ride- 20 miles
avg- 18ish miles per hour
cal- 1173
super windy

lift- light posterior chain work
2x10- 95,115
3x5- 165,165,185
2x3- 195,195, 215

3x5- 115
2x3- 135

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010


i spend my life being the motivator for many people. both those who want to change and those who could really care less. it is nice every once in a while to get a little motivation myself. sure watching an ironman video or looking at my  race medals on the wall is nice, or telling my race stories. but when something comes from outside that inspires me it is a great feeling. i have recently convinvced some people very close to me to start the paleo diet and i am thrilled that they are undertaking the challenge to change their lives, if nothing more than for a short time to show themselves they can do it. simply trying to change is huge and having been the spark for that lifts me up during a time when i have become pretty stagnate. i myself am now more motivated to train harder, eat smarter, and kick Iroman coeur d'Alene's ass. let the games begin and good luck to those lucky few in their paleo or paleo-ish endeavors.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


took a rest day today. i felt run down from this weekend's travel and roughly 9 hours of high levels of physical demand each day. i napped and it was awesome. i needed it. i set alarm for a 30 min nap, slept through it and woke up 2.5 hours later. think i was run down? maybe a little


yesterday i did some development work on the glute ham developer. i worked on strengthening my hamstrings and butt while i worked on stabilizing my back. this will help tons while riding becasue my back has to be the stability point for my legs to pull against. it will also help to balance the quad dominance running places on my body by evening out the strength between my quads and hamstrings.

after that i did a short row wod to try and loosen up but it didn't work. my legs were still gassed from this weekend.
4 rounds:
500m row
15 burpees


my quads burned the whole time but i was still able to hold about 1:50 for each 500. the burpees were no problem but that row, woo.


i took the day off friday as i got ready to travel to the crossfit cert i attended this weekend. no long rides or run but lots of working outat the crossfit thing. both sat and sunday. it was good and i learned alot but i feel guilty that i haven't run or rode long in a while.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


took wed off after that rough tuesday.
today i rode indoors again. 25+ mph winds weren't something i was ready to tackle today so i too kit easy inside o nthe bike.

40 min spin, seated
rpm roughly 75, medium to heavy gear

today i just worked on an efficient pedal stroke in a bigger gear. those of you who know me know that i don't have alot of flat speed. that is my biggest cycling weakness, average speed. i can sprint, and i can climb like crazy, but in terms of constant flat speed, i'm lacking. today worked on the specifically. pretty good workout but not quite enough.

so after wards i did tabata push-ups
lowest round- 15

tuesday- spartans

today was interesting. i did a crossfit workout, the first legit one in over a month, then after 15 min of rest rowed with charlie. 300 is a tough workout because it taxes you in many ways, but also you have to have endurance to continue at such a high intensity for a duration. good wod though.

25 Pullups
50 Deadlifts (95 lbs )
50 Pushups
50 Box jumps(24 inch box)
50 Floor wipers (95 lbs )
50 Kb Clean and Press (16Kg)
25 Pullups

i did 95 pounds for two reasons. one i haven't done deadlifts in over 2 months since i injured my hip doing them the last time. second i weigh 150lbs on a heavy day so deadlifting my body weight wasn't something i was interested in for my first wod in a long time. so i did evertyhing else rx'd though and it went awesome. i flew through the workout, did a few things unbroken, and beat my goal time. fun fun

300- 12:24

then i rowed with charlie.
500 m warm-up
6 x 500m sprint


as you can see, very consistent. that is great. it means my training is working and i can hold a high intenisty at exactly the same power production for extended periods. very encouraging. fun workout. makes me miss two a days, which start soon in my IM training. yay


monday i did a bike inside, i needed to get back on the bike again. i brought my trainer back from austin so i set it up in the living room and did some climb intervals on my actual bike instead of one of the spin bikes at the studio. i like the familiarity on my bike, plus i can work on pedaling more efficiently and the position is set to me so its more comfortable than a stationary bike.

10 min seated climb
2 min rcovery
10 min standing climb
2 min recovery
10 min seated climb

burned about 800 cal and had an avg cadence of 62, perfect for what i'm trying to accomplish during these hill workouts


saturday was my "long run". i had to do it before teaching crossfit so it was only 6 miles, but i kind of needed a shorter run to let my body rest. felt great on the run, just cruised, the weather was cool but not cold, and there was actually a little humidity in the air which i like when running in the mornings. good run overall, quiet too.

6 miles
total time- 44:38
avg pace- 7:26
splits- avg for 2 miles


friday i rode for a while, it was very windy so i concentrated on a fast, short ride. it had been a long time, almost a month since being on my bike outdoors. i felt good, but my position is off and make my shoulders and triceps burn when holding aero for a long time. this happened right after i switched my seat so i need to tweak the position a little more.

14 miles
19.0 mph
823 cal

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


rowed today, what a disaster! this was by far the worst workout i've had in a long time. i know a few reasons for that. number one i didnt have the mental strength i usually ahve. two i didn't recover from this weekend like i should have, such as stretching and such. three i didn't eat before i worked out. in fact i ate about 45 minutes before which leads to hypoglycemia during your workout. that was great. i couldn't get it together throughout the entire row, i had to keep stopping and stretching and trying to gain my composure. it was awful, enough said. good thing  i chose to do a 10k row today!!

10k row

as punishment for doing so poorly when i finished i did 25 burpees for time. should have done fifty but i needed to move on.

bonus burpees

Horrible day


i took monday off so did a short run to start the week. 4 miles. very windy, and the wind was very cold. i was not dressed appropriately so i was freezing the whole time. hopefully that made me run faster but i was very uncomfortable the whole time. i set out at a quick pace and was able to hold it comfortably so i continued to slowly push it. i could feel that i ahve been slipping on my diet so i have ratcheted that down again and threw away all distractions in the house, like the bags of m&m's i dumped out. run was good, diet needs to be better if i'm going to perform like i want to.

4 miles
28:07 total time
first 2 miles 7:19 avg
second 2 miles 6:44 avg
468 calories


rode sunday in the wind. it was rough and cold but i needed to get out on the bike. i did about as good as i could for having not been on my bike outside in almost a month. thank you texas weather.

26 miles
19.0 mph avg
1468 calories
87 rpm avg cadence


ran 9 miles sat. when you train as many hours as i have, for as long as i have, you start to realize that every once ina while a workout comes your way that will be an adventure and not a workout. this was the case Saturday. i left on my run when it was about 40 degrees outside, cloudy and windy, so i dressed in full cold gear. we'll get to that later though. about a quarter of a mile into my run i was on harvery road headed towards highway 30. a car pulled up across the street from me and stopped. 3 people jumped out and started pushing it. it took me a second to realize what was going on but eventually i realized they ran out of gas and were trying to get to the station at the end of the street. so i ran across the street and helped them push it about a half a mile to the gas station. as they turned in a simply grabbed my water of the bumper and kept running. about 20 minutes after that the sun came out and the wind died. the temp must ahve risen about 10 degrees instantly because i was burning up. so i stopped behind a pool house in copperfield and took off my run shorts, run tights, gloves, and ear cover. i put my shorts back on and left my other clothes there an took off running again. after all this stopping and starting and time loss i realized my run was a wash and decided to just cruise the rest of it and enjoy the run and weather. so thats why my avg was so slow. some other crazy things happened along the way but they aren't as important.

9 miles
8:06 avg pace
965 calories

Thursday, February 11, 2010


we all need rest days, today was mine. hour nap instead of a workout, good times!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


did a row and bike brick. but i need to go to bed so short and sweet.

5 min row - 1300 m
10 min bike standing, gear 15, rpm 60-65
5 min row- 1320m
10 min bike, rpm same, gear 17
5 min row-1340m

no rest between anything

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


5 k row today after some light deadlifts and some playing around with a jump rope. it was hard, hot in the gym and i was tired. 5 k row, enough said

18:58, PR i guess since i've never timed it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

monday run

ran 3 today, very windy but everyting felt good. i got home and had some tightness in my calves so i rolled them out with my trigger point footballer. always helps except they are sore now. pace felt good even with the wind pounding me in the face. i help back a little today to see how my knee would take it and i had no isssues.

3 miles
23:28 total time
7:49 avg pace
355 cal


did a row workout sunday after some upper body work. i did 500m repeats but don't remember my splits. i tried to hold between 1:43 and 1:47 avg per 500 m

6 x 500m repeats, roughly 1 min rest between each.

tabata pull-ups
i did the first 4 rounds with butterfly kip, then switched to a standard kip because my hands were on fire.lowest round was 8 i believe, didn't do so great on these.
then did 50 push-ups unbroken, rested one minute then did 25 push-ups unbroken. that was rough after the pull-ups.


ran on friday. 8 miles. felt great, did great, enough said

8 miles
1:03 total time
939 cal
avg HR- 151 bpm

splits, every 2 miles, with avg:
16:26, 8:13 avg
15:59, 8:00 avg
15:49, 7:55 avg
15:30, 7:45 avg

the last two miles I pulled back on the reigns because my knee felt tight, but i think i could have easily pulled 7-7:15 pace. this run was awesome